I once viewed a commercial with this theme, and I was inspired
Published on January 27, 2004 By TARSIER In Current Events
Where have all the champions gone? When was the last time a great athlete loved to do what he did best just for himself, not for the fame and wealth? I can name a few: Lance Armstrong, battling off cancer and winning the Tour de France, and Cal Ripken, who could have retired happily many years ago, but hiis yen of baseball kept him in the Major Leauges. This world is losing champions. Not just champions of athletics, but champions of the mind and spirit. Where are people like Gandhi and Einstein going? We are being corrupted by greed and hate. Athletes of today do not care about the people they influence, just the money they make. Athletics are being corrupted by merchandizing. When has a players shirt style or brand been more important than their skill or charm? When was the last time a writer wrote something to promote social justice, not a novel that is for pleasant reading. We need a challenge, someone who fights the system because the system is wrong, a person who wants to be famous for what he says or does, not for the publicity he aquires while doing it. I am not condemning the merchandizers, the athletes, the writers, or whoever else i may have targeted. They can do what they want. But where have the champions gone, and when are they coming back? It almost reminds me of Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. The men of the mind have quit, and the people who have used others die off. The champions have left us, and they may never come back. No more Galileos, no more Picassos, no more Jackie Robinsons will come to change how we live. Oh, there might be some minor changes by people who thing that something is wrong, but the earth shakers have all retired.
on Feb 01, 2004
I don't know if it's that there aren't any more champions, but that why aren't people writing about them? I think that there are a great many people doing great things out there, but instead we (a great part of society) know more about J-Lo and Ben's on-again, off-again business, MJ's court appearances and certain sport icons' sexual deviancies.
It's a shame because the answer is, for the most part, heroes don't sell. It's not as fun reading about do-gooders than the bad guys or sordid activities in celebrityville.
Personally, I'd like to read more about what the good guys do. Even if it's just my neighbor down the street, or a person on the other side of the world. Maybe that's why some of us blog. Here we get to read about other people's ideas, stories and opinions, not just buy some confabulated crap stocked near the register of a supermarket or 7/11.
on Feb 03, 2004
Thanx for the comment
on Feb 03, 2004
I agree with NickyG. I have never understood the mentality that movie stars are some sort of super being. People just aren't as impressed by the great minds. Case in point, my hubby has a friend that is literally a brain surgeon and rocket scientist (worked for JPL) but people are always more interested in hearing about his sister who is an actress. Maybe there are just too many people who fear what they don't understand and therefore don't take an interest in it. Lets face it, anyone could act if they really tried hard enough and had the right training. Not many can ever become a brain surgeon or rocket scientist.