A short article on my thoughts of my faith
Published on March 24, 2004 By TARSIER In Religion
Today I participated in the sacrament of reconciliation. Others may mock my Catholicism, which is usually the case, for our traditions are misinterprated and bastardized by so many, yet the few who understand are quite inspiring. After Reconciliation, pouring my heart out to a religious scholar and getting a frank yet hope filling response makes me feel better than I have in a long time. Not necessarily because my sins have been absolved, but because of my meditation afterword and the meaning I get out of these things. I start to understand things again. In one of my last articles I expressed anger that I was a loser, that I could feel something nagging at me, waiting to bring me down. I could just be on the upswing this time, or I could be changed once again with another of my spiritual milestones. For a long time I have been naive, and I still am to a great extent. For a long time I thought that I was a loser, and nothing would become of my life, which still may be true. For a long time I have held self pity, which I still do. Do I know whether or not I am going to heaven? No, I do not. My head has almost shrunk into my shoulders with the weightiness of my thoughts, which is a new feeling to me, even if it is not for most bloggers, which makes me all though more confused. Even this article is making me more bewildered at my life, but at this point in my life, I could care less. Am I a apathatic and vain teenager? Yes, of course. Do I care? No, not really, for I am hoping that I trust more in God. I sin quite a lot, and I have found out why I sin today. I hope it is a realization which guides me through my whole life, yet I know that even so I will fail miserably again. Do you know why? Probably you do if you are a true Christian, which I may not be, for I am a hypocrite in many ways. It is to fully rely on God. I am not a leader, and I have a low self-motivation, a weak and crippled character, and almost childlike morals, blaming things on everything but myself. I had always thought of myself as smarter than the average person, but I have realized that I am not, I only had the drive to appear smarter to others because I had nothing else to flaunt which I thought would impress anyone. I have laid myself defenseless, for I have almost nothing of this world that I can hide behind anymore, for I have no conviction to be a doctor, a lawyer, an important member of society. All I want to be is myself, and I want to have an open heart to God, fully relying on his grace to save what is left of my innocence. Wow, that felt good to write down. Haha, I feel like such a fool. Everything I do seems foolish, but I guess I don't care. My self-interests in computers and becoming knowledgeable seem foolish, my grades seem a foolish mockery of what I am, my education wasted on something that didn't even care. It seems now that all I want is God, for I can never really own something else. I don't exactly know what that means, but I just feel like writing it. I feel deranged, but I don't care. Hmmm. So confuseled. Yes, thats my new word. Anyways, I think I am done talking for today, hope you have a whirligigy day, and God Bless.


on Mar 24, 2004
what a wonderful post, friend. Are you fan of Switchfoot? They have lyrics that say something like, "I wrestled the angel.."

I think that angel is satan, but I may be misreading the song.

anywho, I really enjoyed reading your article. God bless.

on Mar 24, 2004
Thank you, and no, I have never listened to switchfoot, but the crazy thing is my friend just talked about switchfoot today. That was insane.
on Apr 01, 2004
It was Jacob who wrestled with God. In my opinion, there are two part to being a Christian. One is becoming a Christian and the other is being a Christian. Becoming a Christian is easy. It is simply trusting in God for your salvation, your baptism is a symbol of that. But being a Christian is hard. Being a Christian takes hard work. You have to give up your self-centeredness and learn to love God and let his Holy Spirit rule over you, instead of your own self-will. But you still have a will and you still have to surrender, daily, hourly, etc. to God. Then you have to act in love. This is hard. Meditation, prayer, going to mass, reading scripture all help, but you also have to love your neighbor and yourself. Loving God is easy, but loving your neighbor and yourself is hard. If you want to be a Christian, then find a mentor or spiritual guide and have frequent conversations. In addition, pray to God and listen for his voice. Prayer is hard at first, but eventually you will find yourself praying about everything. This spiritual journey will continue throughout your life. But you only do it one step at a time. As for sin, that comes naturally, so you will spend a lot of time confessing. But eventually you will repent of that sin and no longer do it. God bless you in your journey. It may be difficult, but it if full of joy. God is love and being loved and loving is the greatest joy on earth.