I have tried to learn the game, but I have not mastered it
Published on April 11, 2004 By TARSIER In Blogging
I love strategy games, like all the warcrafts and starcrafts, Age of Empires, Civs, etc etc. I had learned the basics of chess long before, and enjoyed the game very casually. I then learned the basics of Go, the ancient Chinese game that is said to have won Vietnam for the communists, and was inspired to get into chess again. I learned some of the opening moves, but after the opener, I cannot visualize where I am going with the game. I live a move by move existence, without any organization. I have really no concept of strategic placement and traps. It almost feels like I am just going to capture each piece I can without being captured. I need a guru, someone extremely knowledgable in the game that can instruct and lead me to better myself. If someone would show me the door I know I can open it. That is just how I am. But I need someone to show me that door. Any suggestions?
on Apr 11, 2004
Check out "Modern Chess Openings Complete," by Horowitz. Get a good 'Grandmaster' level computer program. Where do you live? There's probably a chess center if you're in any metro area of a million people, and some places much smaller have active chess communities. It's one of the few games so intrinsically satisfying that the play alone is worthy of our time, without money, fame, or any other external inducement.

Good luck.
on Apr 11, 2004
I already have a Chessmaster 8000 game. Is that good enough? I figured out that it isnt the best because it doesnt change strategies or adapt to certain moves, but I havent been able to beat it.
on Apr 11, 2004
Play it until you beat it regularly and then upgrade. Check in with some of the other members of the site who are really into chess, witness the Kasparov-computer posting. Let me know how it all turns out. Check to see if any of my posts are of interest to you. Sex and Drugs and Rock and Roll, with doses of science and politics.
on Jun 17, 2005
How can i become a better chess player?
on Jun 17, 2005
Practice makes perfect.