I feel like someone is trying to destroy my soul
Published on April 7, 2004 By TARSIER In Religion
Do you know what really pisses me off? Some people, even Christians, fail to follow Jesus's law of unconditional love and acceptance. Myself included, but some people on this blog site make me very perturbed. In my short life I have been called a bigot, even by people I know who are on this blog site who I know personally, idol-worshipper, etc. Some people on this blog site have almost open hatred of everyone else besides themselves, including dead musical artists, homosexuals (I am not against homosexuals, that is how God made them, but sex is supposed to be for a male and a female), and especially Catholics. You know exactly who you are. I believe that peace can come through understanding. Many people do not understand or are ignorant of Catholicism. I open this blog up to anyone who has a question, comment, etc. I expect criticism, but if someone just wants to be mean and attack me whatever I respond, I will delete your posts. I know questions will concern Mary the mother of God, (and no, we do not pray to Mary, we ask of her intercession, just like we ask the intercession of saints). I hope my limited theological knowledge wil answer any questions you have. If you want to learn more without asking me a question, I suggest the novel A Philadlephia Catholic in King Jame's Court in which an 18 year old Catholic defends his faith using the Bible and logic. So, feel free to post.
Comments (Page 2)
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on Apr 30, 2004
Catholic for a Free Choice? No such thing

um, ok...But it is an organization that exists in the US. Also, please re-read my post. The Vatican has never claimed Papal Infallibility with the abortion issue, nor has it declared when the fetus acquires a soul. However, catholic theology does tell people to follow their conscience on moral matters.

Do not be so arrogant as to think that you can tell me whether or not I am a Catholic. You have your opinion, I will have mine, but I will not stand for being judged by you or anyone else. And for the record, the comment about Kerry came from a Cardinal, not the Pope, and it is not Vacitan law.
on Apr 30, 2004
I am perfectly aware about "Catholics for a Free Choice" an organization which has lobbyed to remove the Permanant Status of the Vatican from the UN and wants churches to pay taxes.

I AM NOT TELLING YOU ANYTHING! Link Oh, snap, the Catechism of the Catholic Church is telling you that you cannot be pro-choice and Catholic.
on Apr 30, 2004
Oh, snap, the Catechism of the Catholic Church is telling you that you cannot be pro-choice and Catholic

Sorry, that says *I* can't have an abortion and still be an member of the church, not that I can't be pro-choice. Giving others the choice and having an abortion are two different things. Nice try though, and please refrain from yelling.

I am perfectly aware about "Catholics for a Free Choice" an organization which has lobbyed to remove the Permanant Status of the Vatican from the UN and wants churches to pay taxes.

Um...I'm not sure where you are getting this from. Catholics for Free Choice deal with reproductive health issues.
on Apr 30, 2004
I'm Catholic but I'm an oddity. I'm one of the very few who know that Pope John Paul II was in fact murdered. The Vatican is infested with Freemasons.
on Apr 30, 2004
R.I.G.H.T anyways, as you can see from my newest article, I am leaving, but continue to post because I might check back once in a while.
on May 02, 2004
That is like saying, "I do not murder Jews because they are Jews, although I will allow people to do so because it is their choice." To the Church, you are supporting murder! Hardly a position that the Church supports.


Perhaps you did not read the whole of the section of the Catechism, but allowing abortion, or the right to choose, is allowing murder.

For more reading on Catholics for a Free Choice:


Finally, another comment on the founder of the CFFC, which has been denounced by the Vatican and the US Conference of Catholic Bishops as not representing the Church...Link
on May 03, 2004
That is like saying, "I do not murder Jews because they are Jews, although I will allow people to do so because it is their choice." To the Church, you are supporting murder! Hardly a position that the Church supports.

I disagree. And yes, it is possible to be Catholic AND pro-choice because I am.

First of all, It is not the same thing. I personally am pro-life because I would never have an abortion; HOWEVER, looking at this is the eyes of the government or just anyone else in society, I think people should have the choice, so I am pro-choice. I believe in a strong separation of church and state.

And second, I think you have a skewed definition of what being Catholic really means. As I just stated, I believe in a strong separation of church and state. Being Catholic does not mean I sit by and let the Pope and other Catholic people decide my opinions for me. Only I can do that. Being Catholic means I have Catholic religious views. My political views are decided by me and me alone. I realize that the entire country is not Christian, so I prefer to look at things in the eyes of the government, where everyone's view should matter. Relgion doesn't factor in.

So if you want to talk about Catholic prejudice, this is what it is. People assume what my opinions must be because some other Cathoilc people beileve that. Its the same as the white people who assume all Mexicans or Blacks or whatever are in gangs.

on May 03, 2004
See, in heart I agree with you. The Church is especially cautious these days not to be polemical. I also believe in the separation of church and state, insofar in that one religion should not be established. Abortion cuts across religious grounds though, with Mormons, Evangelicals, Catholics, Jews, Muslims opposing it. Yet, I find it strange about how people are so presumptive in stating that they can decide on what it means to be Catholic. I wonder how this came about.

The Catechism says that abortion is such a serious offense that makes the person de facto excommunicated. The objective nature of the Sacraments (basically outlined by St. Thomas Aquinas) that they provide actual grace upon the person makes me wonder how, when the teaching of the Church is so clearly defined, can one consider themselves Catholic and pro-choice? It seems that you either choose Ceaser or Christ (that is, assuming you acknowledge the teaching authority of the magisterum).

What I do not think the separation of church and state should entail is the closeting of religious faith. The government becomes a tyranny when it tells its citizens what they can, or cannot, think or believe. This wonderful thing called democracy should allow the freedom of religious belief and practice. I certainly do not think that Dr. King should have been silenced because he was a reverend, nor JPII because he was priest. In my mind, religions usually serve as a counter-cultural force. A force that limits the artbritrary power of government.
on May 03, 2004
I am not against homosexuals, that is how God made them, but sex is supposed to be for a male and a female

That has to be the funniest thing I've ever read.
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